Seth Boyden PTA Executive Board (E.C.),
Board of Directors (Committee Chairs) and
Key Roles & Liaisons
Executive Board (elected)
Oversee the management and operations of the PTA executive board and committees. Maintain oversight and approval of all financial transactions. Liaise with school administration, teachers, other local PTAs, and school community. Hold monthly meetings with the executive board. Organize, develop and oversee fundraising and programming efforts. Develop and monitor the annual operating budget of the PTA. Attend Presidents’ Council, Elementary Presidents’ Council and other pertinent district-wide meetings.
Vice President:
Support and shadow the President in their responsibilities with the understanding that this position, if slated and elected by the General Membership will then grow into the President position the following school year.
Post all financial transactions to our financial system (MTK) as they occur throughout the month in a timely manner. Ensure proper support is provided for payments/reimbursements and issue payments accordingly and promptly. Create monthly PTA Treasurer reports (Transaction Report and Actual to Budget) and present for review. Reconcile the bank accounts monthly. Make deposits in a timely fashion, as needed. Maintain proper documentation and files for financial review. Maintain and provide cash boxes for various programs and events. Work with the PTA’s accountant to ensure various financial forms are filed timely. Make sure proper audits are completed.
Record the minutes of all PTA meetings and submit for review and approval by the Executive Board. Maintain a complete file of all approved minutes, agendas, and materials distributed at any official PTA meeting and upload to MTK. Have a copy of the official bylaws and a current membership list available at every meeting. Serves as parliamentarian for each meeting's procedures, motions and voting and performs such other duties delegated to him/her. Ensures all meetings follow Robert's Rules of Order.
COMMITTEE CHAIR POSITIONS (appointed & lead Standing Committees)
Compliance Chair:
Works with the Treasurer to ensure the PTA’s compliance with the bylaws, standing rules and other rules of order. Works with the Treasurer and President to ensure that PTA is up to date on required documentation for state & federal tax purposes and ensures that we are in good standing with NJPTA. Ensure compliance within Givebacks that required documents are uploaded by working with designated board members responsible for the documents.
Happiness Chair:
Helps to spread happiness, fun, and appreciation in school.
Coordinate gifts on designated recognition days such as National Principal’s Day, Nurses Appreciation Week, Administrative Professionals Day, etc. Oversee Back-to-School Teacher Lunch and Teacher Appreciation Week. Oversee teacher and staff gifts twice a year (Dec & June). Maintain bulletin boards, send cards and/or gifts for big life events such as promotion, tenure, birth, marriage, retirement, etc, for staff or SB Community. Keep the teacher supply closet and PTA supply closet well stocked. Liaise with the Nurse, Teacher Liaisons, Social Worker team for any needs or supplies. Oversees in-school PTA initiatives, such as chicks, stepping, spelling bee, school pictures, yearbook, lost & found, merch etc.
Subcommittees include:
- Back to School Teacher Luncheon (Day before first day of school) Order and arrange drop off, set up, clean up
- School Supply Closet Manager (All year) Make sure supply closet is well stocked
- In-School Beautification (Vestibule, Teachers’ Lounge, Hallways, Murals)
- Holiday Gift/End of Year Coordinator: Recruit volunteers to collect, make, buy the teacher/staff gifts from the PTA twice a year.
- All Appreciations, including Teacher Appreciation (First week in May)
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Co-chairs:
The Co-chairs organize, oversee, and promote all diversity and equity initiatives.
- Focus on community-building, access, equity, and increased engagement of all Seth Boyden students and families. Work on efforts to expand the PTA’s outreach and representation and keep the board informed of changing demographics within the school community.
- Recruit volunteers to plan and manage events. Keep a calendar of all awareness days and create events around these days, including BHM, Neurodiversity Awareness, Juneteenth, etc.
- Communicate with the board of directors on event planning/ideas and budget. Participate in district wide Diversity and Equity meetings to knowledge share and work on collaborative efforts.
- Participate in district wide Diversity and Equity meetings to knowledge share and work on collaborative efforts.
Outdoor Learning Center Chair:
Work with the garden teacher and recruit volunteers to manage and maintain the OLC and garden. Plan 2-3 family fun work days for mulching, weeding & other projects. Create a sign up for volunteers to take turns watering and harvesting the garden as the weather turns warmer and over the summer. Help envision the future of the OLC and any improvements needed.
Outdoor Beautification Chair:
Work with OLC Chair & Committee as well as garden teacher to plan and plant seasonal flowers in the front of school and come up with ideas for improving areas such as side yard fences, empty landscaping. Work with the district to oversee the replanting of trees from the SB Arboretum that were cut down and the planting of new landscaping.
Merchandising Chair:
Responsible for all spirit wear design, ordering and sales. Maintain inventory and purchase new items to be sold. In charge of pricing and selling both new and existing spirit wear. Update and maintain spirit wear items on the website. Attend school events and fundraisers to sell school merchandise and hold periodic sales throughout the year.
- Planning, designing, and ordering merchandise should take place in the summer so it is ready for sale at events at the beginning of the school year.
Communications Chair :
Stay up to date on the calendar of events and make sure all SB school and community events are advertised on our newsletters, social media and other advertising outlets such as backpacks and flyers as necessary. Send the monthly list of events to the Marquee manager. Keep the outdoor bulletin board updated with monthly events. Update the MTK home page blog weekly and keep up to date with long-standing content. The chair will work collaboratively with the following sub-committee positions:
Digital Newsletter (1 person):
Compile and organize all updates provided by the PTA president, committees, and the community during the week for the upcoming weekly e-blast. Set-up weekly e-blast Saturday prior and send to the PTA president for final peer review. Set-up auto delivery of weekly e-blast for every Monday at 8 a.m.
Social Media (1 person):
Manage updates of the Seth Boyden Parents and Family Facebook page and Instagram Account. Obtain photos of school events for posting (either directly or from other board members/parents) to keep the community abreast of all school happenings. Post school closures, delayed openings, early dismissals etc.
Website (1-2 people):
Help with the overall function and design of the website. Update the website as needed and answer board and school community inquiries regarding the school website. Complete year-end transition for SB PTA website.
Public Relations (1 person):
Responsibilities: Write and circulate to local media any notable SB events (e.g. grants awards, special guests/events), keep SB successes on the minds of the community.
Marquee/Outdoor Billboard (1 person):
Change the billboard message on a monthly basis with key calendar items & information
Class Captain Coordinator (1-2 people)
Work closely with the communications chair, recruit & coordinate class captains for each class to liaise with teachers and connect class families. Organize an orientation, update handbook, send periodic announcements & information for captains to circulate including teacher gifts. Set up GiftCrowd twice a year. Help build a directory/contact list for each class to build relationships among students and families via MTK.
Community Events Co-Chairs:
Help plan and fill organizer spots for our beloved community events - the Ice Cream Social (Sept), Harvest Fest (Oct), and 2 Roller Skating parties. This position does not need to be in charge of each event, but instead serve as the point of contact for the board and make sure there are volunteers assigned to manage or help out at each event. The chair will work collaboratively with the following sub-committee positions:
Ice Cream Social: Order pizza, an ice cream truck,a dj, enlist volunteers to help set up tables & sell tickets as well as set up and break down. Work with admin & custodial staff to have a bathroom open for use.
Harvest Fest: Create Harvest Committee with Community Events Chair. Assign roles and jobs. Organize a fun festival with multiple stations, contests, food and games. Utilize existing PTA supplies and coordinate purchase of others. Enlist a team of volunteers to sell tickets, work the stations, etc. Coordinate with vendors, invite local officials to judge the annual Pie Making Contest.
Roller Skating Parties: Coordinate 2 parties per year. Book the roller skate rink, set up a ticket system, enlist volunteers to collect money at the door, and promote the event.
Movie Nights: Procure movie, set up projector, snacks/popcorn and enlist a few volunteers to run movie night- typically in auditorium (Jan/Feb)
Variety Show Director: Create a Variety Show committee with director, wrangler and parent volunteers for rehearsal and day of. Recruit students to participate in the annual Variety Show (spring), hold auditions, rehearsal, and a performance for families to attend after school hours.
Advocacy Co-Chairs:
Keep the Board and PTA updated with district-wide happenings, events, and issues important to the community. Attend or find a committee member to attend each school board meeting and take notes. Attend town safety meetings and keep Seth Boyden’s voice heard when it comes to town and school board matters that affect our students. Work with the Board to address issues at Seth Boyden that are important to our school community (example: crosswalk safety, staffing shortages, field trips, equity, facility improvements, etc).
Fundraising Chair:
Host committee meetings throughout the year to come up with & manage small fundraisers like dinners, book sales, etc. Hold the master list of all sponsorships and donations.
Cultural Arts Programming Chair:
Help bring cultural arts events, programs, and enrichment opportunities to our classrooms. This includes, but is not limited to, artist-in-residence programs that strive to immerse students in an artistic process that results in a masterpiece (e.g., poetry, art, photography), performances (e.g., assemblies, dance performance, poetry reading), author visits, and so much more.
Assemblies: Help plan and implement at least 3 assemblies per school year. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel! Reach out to our committee chairs and teachers for assembly suggestions, pull from past SB school assemblies, or consult a running list of successful assemblies held by the other PTAs in the district.
Stepping Artist in Residency Liaison: The Stepping Artist in Residency program has become a beloved program at SB. This doesn’t happen without the help of the PTA to apply and manage the grant. Help manage AIE 4th Grade Stepping Grant and any others we may be awarded. Work closely with the Steering Committee,Teacher Lead & Teacher Artists to make sure commitments & timelines are met.
Field Trip Liaison:
Oversee the PTA field trip fund – liaise with teachers, manage the budget, track all costs, and work with the treasurer and President to approve funds and disperse payments.
Membership Chair:
Recruit members of the SB Community to join and strengthen our PTA. Work with a partner to enroll members at school events, online and through flyers. Goal is to have membership reflect the SB population & spread the message of importance of membership for a healthy PTA while also keeping track of volunteer recruitment and leadership candidates. Update and enter member information into Member Hub, and communicate membership list monthly with the treasurer. Provide volunteer training and info sheets as necessary.
Yearbook Chair:
Responsibilities: Develop a theme, collect photos, and design the school yearbook. Designate committee members to work on group photos, collecting baby pictures and best wishes. Work with Treering, our Yearbook company, to coordinate, sell, and distribute. Also, assists VP of Happiness with Picture Days organizing.
Seth Boyden Cares Co-Chairs(2 people):
The mission of SB Cares is to promote caring for others, a sense of community and the spirit of volunteerism within our school community by providing meaningful service opportunities for students and their families throughout the year. SB Cares partners with SOMA Shares and other local nonprofits that serve our community to support district-wide volunteer initiatives.
5th Grade Chair/Committee:
The 5th Grade Committee is a group of 5th grade parents/guardians who work to make the final year at SB an extra special year for our students before heading off to middle school! Work closely with admins to plan and carry out all 5th grade events and activities including the legacy project, pool party, Camp Meadowbrook, Moving Up Ceremony etc. Reports to VP of Happiness or designated Exec. Board member.
5th & 4th Grade Musical Chair/Committee:
Work with school admins to plan a Musical Show. Identify a director, a show and key positions. Requires many dedicated volunteers with different skill sets. Help the director with auditions and coordinating rehearsals.
Financial Review Committee (3 people):
Assist Treasurer with the annual audit & help prepare the budget.
Green Team Chair:
To enrich student learning and enthusiasm for sustainability and to green the infrastructure of the school. The committee creates opportunities for students to learn about their roles and responsibilities in addressing the profound ecological challenges facing our planet. Oversee the implementation of the Seth Boyden Composts program and imagine and develop potential new programs like growing hydroponically in the cafeteria. Additionally, the Green Team program seeks to educate K-5 students on how to become environmental stewards and leaders, via school assemblies and educational material. Moving beyond the very basic “pick up trash” and traditional recycling initiatives, the program teaches kids to think more deeply and creatively about current environmental topics, and act sustainably in as many ways as possible.
Nominating Committee: (Special committee)
The Committee is elected at a general meeting no later than January of the current school year. Consists of 3 members, with one named Chair to recruit and submit names of candidates for election. Names must be submitted, accepted and publicized at least 30 days before elections are held. Nominees should be members of the PTA and meet other criteria detailed in Nom. Com. Handbook. Work closely with the Membership Committee.
Teacher Liaisons: Two volunteer teachers who the PTA asks to be our Teacher Liaisons. They help communicate to the PTA on behalf of the teachers as well as communicate with the teachers on behalf of the PTA.
Back to School Night Childcare Organizer:
Arrange childcare with the South Mountain Y for Back to School Night. Advertise the option of childcare to the school community and manage the sign up list.
Turkey Trot 5k: Schedule 5K run the weekend before Thanksgiving typically in South Mtn. Reservation. Reserve, get permits, order lawn signs, t-shirts, bibs and race day materials through 3rd party companies. Enlist volunteers for planning, setup and day of assistance.
Walk-a-Thon: Set up Walk-a-thon dates, parameters and coordinate with the PE teachers. Promote, coordinate and facilitate all aspects.
Read-a-Thon: Set up Read-a-Thon dates, parameters & prizes with Whoo's Reading & distribute information to teachers and students. Coordinate purchasing, scheduling, distributing prizes.
Bingo: Lead & manage the Bingo Committee in planning, procuring prizes and sponsors & producing annual parent Bingo & Raffle fundraiser
Spring Art Show Organizer:
Work with the Art Teacher to schedule and recruit volunteers to staple artwork and set up bulletin boards throughout the school to display student artwork.
Book Fair Organizer:
Work with book selling co. & school admins. to set up book fair(s), make schedules for classes to come, make wish lists, and shop for books. Enlist volunteers to help students, work the cash register, set up and break down. ( 1- 2 times per year)
School Picture Day Organizer:
In early fall, coordinate with the photographer to take individual and class photos. Circulate information about ordering, create a sign up for teachers, and enlist volunteers during the day. Photos typically take place over 1 or 2 days.
Library Liaison:
Assist the librarian. Recruit, schedule and train volunteers to stack and file books, and organize the library throughout the year.
Kindergarten Liaison:
Role for a current SB parent with incoming K will set up a new facebook group for new families to connect. In conjunction with school, this parent will get the list of names and emails of new families at orientation and collaborate with admins to set up summer play dates.
SEPAC & Parenting Center Liaison:
Serve as a point of contact & info resource for family/parents/guardians of students with special needs. Identify issues of concern at school level & communicate to SEPAC Exec. board. Attend SEPAC meetings & make relevant announcements/provide updates on special education.
Meet with representatives from the Parenting Center on an occasional basis. Help plan Speaker Series and work with admins to decide which one SB will host the following year.
Grant Writing and Management:
Write grants to benefit the SB school community. Work with the board and school admins and teachers to identify funding sources and possible opportunities.
Achieve & SOMA Shares Liaison:
Coordinate with school & Achieve for teacher and admin grants & Achieve tutors. Purchase & provide snacks for Achieve tutees. Coordinate with SOMA Shares to fill needs or advertise SS needs.
PTA-Teacher Grants:
The PTA puts money aside each year in its budget to provide mini-grants for teachers to use towards their classroom experiences. Some use it to purchase books, others to put on a class play. Teachers have come to depend on this support. The role includes advertising the grant application to teachers, tracking the grants, and working with the treasurer and president to approve and administer the grants.
Lost & Found Manager:
Periodically notify (via newsletter, social media, flyers) the community about Lost & Found and its location in the school and when it is becoming full. Work with admins and custodial staff to have lost and found in a visible/high traffic place when parents come into the building at various times during the year. Coordinate donation at the end of June with a local group.
Click for Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, March 25
- Wednesday, March 26
- Thursday, March 27
A bike bus for families at Seth Boyden Elementary in Maplewood NJ. Every Friday! Seth Boyden Bike Bus | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree