Happiness Committee Micro Jobs
(Please email Anna at Happiness@sethboyden.com if you are interested!)
Seasonal Teacher’s Lounge Decorator - comes in seasonally
- Someone to purchase and decorate the Teacher’s Lounge seasonally (1-2 hours a “season”)
Lost & Found Organizer - comes in weekly/biweekly
- Someone to organize, hang up clothing - maybe take a pic to post on Socials
Soma Shares Book Table Organizer - comes in weekly/biweekly
- Someone to organize & replenish the free book table (1 hr)
Spotlight Staff Writer- comes in weekly/biweekly
- Someone to take a picture, “interview” a staff member or 2 for the Newsletter
Seth Boyden Cares Coordinator - 2 or 3 project a year
- Someone to organize a school-wide service project(s)
Merch Supervisor
- Someone to help organize/track and sell merch at events*; collaborate on new merch. *Doesn’t mean this person has to be AT all events, we can get volunteers for that, just be “in charge” of making it happen.
Happiness Committee Volunteer - someone who can’t commit to a micro job, but happy to be called on for volunteer opportunities that bring joy.
Sign up here or contact happiness@sethboyden.com if interested or you would like to know more!
Click for Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, March 25
- Wednesday, March 26
- Thursday, March 27
A bike bus for families at Seth Boyden Elementary in Maplewood NJ. Every Friday! Seth Boyden Bike Bus | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree