The PTA is so excited to welcome you all to the 2023-2024 Seth Boyden Kindergarten Class!


Got questions? We've got answers! View our Seth Boyden Kindergarten FAQ.


June: Let's get started!

Sign-up and Register for our website

Ways to support the school and get involved -- starting in September

  • Join the PTA -- $10 per household annual membership fee
  • Attend PTA Meetings
  • Attend and volunteer for our events -- We can’t do it without you!
  • Be a class captain, which is a parent liaison for your child’s class
  • Donate

Upcoming events

  • Kindergarten Playdates
    • Please join the Seth Boyden Kindergarten Families- 2023-2024 Facebook Page to stay up to date on playdates as they are planned
    • You are welcome to create a playdate, just announce on the FB page the date and time!
    • Playdates can be held behind the school on the playground or at any local playground
    • If a playdate is held at the school, the building will be closed, so restrooms will NOT be available.
  • Welcome coffee and PTA Meeting -- First day of school right after drop off
    • Join us for coffee and breakfast treats on the front lawn of the school
  • Back to School Ice Cream Social - Friday, September 15th at 5:30pm (TBC)
    • Pizza, ice cream, and live music!

Questions? Contact us via email at


Upcoming Events

Limited SETH BOYDEN MERCH Available

Social Media